“Physicians want to think it’s the medicine and not their enthusiasm about a particular drug that makes a drug more therapeutically effective, but now we really have to worry about the nuances of interaction between patients and physicians,”
All three of these companies would have been public in the late ’90s,” says Peter Thiel, former CEO of PayPal and an investor in Facebook, Slide, and LinkedIn. That none of them is public yet “is really a reflection of how radically things have shifted,”
Alaska Airlines is looking at a range of information to select ads for each Web surfer, including the person’s geographic location, the number of times that person has seen an Alaska Airlines ad and whether the person visited the company’s Web site.
The song is just so strange–so alien, so smart, so densely packed with signifiers–that it doesn’t seem possible that it’s actually part of mainstream culture, no matter how much mainstream culture embraces it.
links for 2008-03-06
March 7th, 2008 · Comments Off on links for 2008-03-06
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links for 2008-03-05
March 6th, 2008 · Comments Off on links for 2008-03-05
According to the theory, the hierarchy of university rankings — in which few schools consistently land at the top and many more contend for lesser spots — persists because that structure supports the easiest flow of ideas,
The only reason why the films that they beforehand had thought would become successes indeed did reap “profits” is because they assigned more resources to them. Yet, they would have been better off assigning the scarce resources to the other movies.
For 140 years there has been a deficiency in the formula: it only worked for shapes that didn’t contain holes or irregularities. Professor Crowdy has made additions to the Schwarz-Christoffel formula meaning it can be used for more complicated shapes
Each switch take several tenths of a second, and resuming the previous task requires the brain to determine where it left off. Medina cites research showing that an interrupted task takes 50% longer to complete, and with an error rate up to 50% higher.
I tend to write mine using a decidedly simple structure which I am minded to call the naked brief. The structure is so spare that it directs one’s attention to the quality of the thinking and away from the quality of the form.
The pitfall in serving up bygone brand mascots to skeptical consumers of Generation X and Y, Mr. Reilly said, is that “you have to be so inventive, and not come off as reviving old things.”
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links for 2008-03-02
March 3rd, 2008 · Comments Off on links for 2008-03-02
Their appearance to me was of complete helplessness, all passing slowly as if in a trance, heads bowed, staring blankly, faces unmoved. The best description is a factory conveyor-belt.
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links for 2008-02-29
March 1st, 2008 · Comments Off on links for 2008-02-29
I think the problem Fbook has isn’t that it built a core audience then diluted it, but that it built a core audience then managed to build another, different core audience.
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links for 2008-02-28
February 29th, 2008 · Comments Off on links for 2008-02-28
Will facial coding become a key element of investment analysis? That’s hardly likely, but if you find that an executive is giving off a squirrely vibe, you might want to go with your gut and avoid the company.
“If the allegations of the amended complaint are proven,” Judge Chin wrote, “a reasonable jury could find that NBC crossed the line from responsible journalism to irresponsible and reckless intrusion into law enforcement.”
The bottle ads established the Absolut bottle as an instantly recognizable icon… The Absolut World campaign didn’t need to establish the brand, so it could focus on the message that Absolut is the closest thing to perfection one can find in this world
instead of trying to attribute some kind of value to fast-forwarded ads wouldn’t it be more productive to spend that time researching how to encourage people not to speed through ads in the first place?
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links for 2008-02-27
February 28th, 2008 · Comments Off on links for 2008-02-27
Bird wanted people to work with people who weren’t satisfied with how things were done and so — to staff the film– he requested “Give me your black sheep.”
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links for 2008-02-25
February 26th, 2008 · Comments Off on links for 2008-02-25
Malaysia and Russia do well in the emerging segment due to their high literacy rates and usage scores. India and Nigeria are the lowest scores on the emerging segment Scorecard, falling behind on both usage and infrastructure measures.
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links for 2008-02-21
February 22nd, 2008 · Comments Off on links for 2008-02-21
Since I have to book a flight for an upcoming speaking engagement, I click on the specials link to see the departures from my home airport. Guess what? None there.
much work traditionally thought of as “hand labor” is really as jigged and regulated as machine work, in many settings certainty and uniformity are desirable […] the potential joy inherent in competent work.
Barack Obama wrote on my funwall
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links for 2008-02-20
February 21st, 2008 · Comments Off on links for 2008-02-20
We will be compelled to reuse and celebrate what is essentially “above ground”. Thus we explored the use of reclaimed and upcycled materials that could ultimately change the way we make things.
A CD release that had 250 or more blog posts about it in the month before release enjoyed sales 600% higher than average… a higher number of ‘friends’ on MySpace increased sales, but the increase wasn’t as great as those gained from blog posts.
It seems to encapsulate a basic code of conduct between people and it might even work in other relationships.
Irritating ads could pose a longer-term danger to the brands that use them. I find myself repelled by an advertiser bold enough to acknowledge that their ads are annoying me, and then continue to assault me with the objectionable elements in the same ad.
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links for 2008-02-12
February 13th, 2008 · Comments Off on links for 2008-02-12
t was a bit of a mixed bag (the muesli and Bravia play-doh were my personal favorites) but I fully subscribe to Artomatic’s belief that ‘complex brands, concepts and ideas are better understood in our hands than on the screen’.
Peter Gloor at MIT (he of Swarm Creativity) has developed software, called Condor, which uses a property of networks on the web he has termed “betweenness” to make predictions.
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