According to the theory, the hierarchy of university rankings — in which few schools consistently land at the top and many more contend for lesser spots — persists because that structure supports the easiest flow of ideas,
The only reason why the films that they beforehand had thought would become successes indeed did reap “profits” is because they assigned more resources to them. Yet, they would have been better off assigning the scarce resources to the other movies.
For 140 years there has been a deficiency in the formula: it only worked for shapes that didn’t contain holes or irregularities. Professor Crowdy has made additions to the Schwarz-Christoffel formula meaning it can be used for more complicated shapes
Each switch take several tenths of a second, and resuming the previous task requires the brain to determine where it left off. Medina cites research showing that an interrupted task takes 50% longer to complete, and with an error rate up to 50% higher.
I tend to write mine using a decidedly simple structure which I am minded to call the naked brief. The structure is so spare that it directs one’s attention to the quality of the thinking and away from the quality of the form.
The pitfall in serving up bygone brand mascots to skeptical consumers of Generation X and Y, Mr. Reilly said, is that “you have to be so inventive, and not come off as reviving old things.”
links for 2008-03-05
March 6th, 2008 · No Comments
Categories: links