“Their business model still appears to be building stores to grow, and if they just [build more slowly and] become more relevant to consumers, everything will work itself out—I think those are all dangerous premises”
“The rise of social networking and consumer power means that companies have to be part of a larger conversation with their customers.” Interesting article, but what (if anything) does the quotes statement mean? Is it true?
because people expect wines that cost more to be of higher quality, they trick themselves into believing the wines provide a more pleasurable experience than less expensive ones.
When asked to describe their concept, failed restaurant owners answered (eg) “vegetarian food”; they couldn’t expand their description beyond food. Successful restaurant owners described an operating philosophy encompassing ambiance, service, and decor
Mostly, this is upside. We’ll be bothered with less stupid advertising. And although there’ll be less people in advertising the people who remain will mostly be tasked with making more intelligent and useful stuff. And there’ll be less pointless media.
links for 2008-01-15
January 16th, 2008 · No Comments
Categories: links