A Better Course

“thou hast councilled a better course than thou hast allowed”

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Entries from October 2010

links for October 26th

October 27th, 2010 · Comments Off on links for October 26th

How to Sink an MBA Application – BusinessWeek Someone who wrote in a business school application (and sent relevant photos to boot) that her biggest failure was not being the maid of honor at her friend's wedding. "For better or worse, these kinds of faux pas are the kind you don't recover from," said Richmond. […]


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links for October 25th

October 26th, 2010 · Comments Off on links for October 25th

Music from Saharan Cellphones. This is amazing…. | intercourse with biscuits As ubiquitous media devices, they are perhaps most used in sharing and exchange of files, particularly bluetooth transfers of mp3s. While in Kidal I collected memory cards from cellphones and copied loads of mp3s — ranging from Tamashek guitar, Algerian Raï, Coupé Décalé, Kuduro, […]


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links for October 25th

October 25th, 2010 · Comments Off on links for October 25th

The Most Popular Phone in the World | Gizmodo The lesson, basically, is that a company won't do well in the developing world simply by hawking cheap, out-of-date hardware after it's become obsolete in places like America. Companies like Nokia, LG and Samsung spend a lot of time and money developing new phones that you […]


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links for October 22nd

October 23rd, 2010 · Comments Off on links for October 22nd

How to Make Your Client's Logo Bigger Without Making Their Logo Bigger – Core77 Take my word for it: no client will turn down this offer, since the one thing these kind of people like more than arguing about logo sizes is looking at lots of options. (tags: logo agency design advertising core77 )


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links for October 21st

October 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on links for October 21st

How to Break the Trust of Your Customers in Just One Day: Lessons Learned from a Major Mistake • David Hauser While everyone deserves a shot to start a business, our theory that non-paying customers would eventually turn into paying ones just didn’t pass the test when it was put into practice. Although we should’ve […]


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links for October 20th

October 21st, 2010 · Comments Off on links for October 20th

Poverty And Famine In Ethiopia Since Live Aid | The New Republic odern famines are almost invariably political in the larger sense of the term. Another way of putting this is to say that whereas before the nineteenth century most famines were largely the result of climate—flooding or drought, most commonly—today they are largely the […]


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links for October 19th

October 20th, 2010 · Comments Off on links for October 19th

The Rad Project "And that's it for The Rad Project. Stay righteous, dudes and dudettes, and remember: BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER." (tags: games rad flammie computergames vintage 80s ) Animated graphic on why you should shut off your work computer Millions of people leave their work computer on every day, thus wasting lots and […]


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links for October 19th

October 19th, 2010 · Comments Off on links for October 19th

I Believe in Advertising | ONLY SELECTED ADVERTISING | Advertising Blog & Community » McDonald’s: The M (tags: mcdonalds advertising ibelieveinadvertising )


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links for October 18th

October 18th, 2010 · Comments Off on links for October 18th

"Trick or Tee" – Threadless.com – Best t-shirts in the world "A mystery tee, chosen by our warehouse misfits! There are no returns – just like Halloween candy, you keep what you get!" — this is an excellent way to get rid of old stock (I'm excited, and I know what they're doing) (tags: threadless […]


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links for October 15th

October 16th, 2010 · Comments Off on links for October 15th

When it's better to be helpful than "on brand" | Flickr – Photo Sharing! I get the above message. "You can't use that name. Grid rules." What does that mean? Someone has used my name? I can't use a forename surname combination? It has to be a single word? I can't use the email? It's […]


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